This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of SIMONS. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner |
[Infant] | 1695-04-24 | 1695-05-15 | |
Ann | 1699-04-21 | ROYER, John | |
Anthony | 1782 | BROWN, Hannah | |
Benjamin | 1728 | GRAY, Ann | |
Benjamin | 1708-08-21 | 1709-08-20 | |
Benjamin | 1713-07-12 | 1772-04-30 | KEATING, Ann , DEWICK, Ann Dymes |
Benjamin | 1672 | 1717-08-18 | DUPRE, Mary Esther |
Catherine | 1717-10-17 | 1731 | |
Elizabeth | 1725 | 1761 | VANDERHORST, Arnoldus |
Elizabeth | 1704-04-20 | 1774 | CORDES, James Paul |
Esther | 1719-09-09 | 1760-02-28 | BONNEAU, Peter |
Esther | 1710-06-01 | ||
Francis | 1697-12-07 | 1731-06-08 | CORDES, Anne |
Francis | 1755-11-10 | MYERS, Daniel Jr. | |
Henry | 1733 | DUKE, Elizabeth | |
Judith | 1711-03-01 | 1781 | SWINTON, Hugh |
Magdalen | 1729 | ||
Martha | 1705-02-09 | YOUNG, Archibald | |
Mary | 1701-09-11 | MAXWELL, James | |
Peter | 1693-07-09 | 1724 | CORDES, Magdalen |
Samuel Dupre | 1696-04-19 | 1759 | BONNEAU, Elizabeth |
Samuel Henry | 1727-10-03 | 1776 | VILLEPONTOUX, Frances |
Thomas | 1715-07-15 | 1716-07-11 |