SIMONS, Benjamin

Birth Name SIMONS, Benjamin [1]
Gender male
Age at Death 11 months, 30 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1708-08-21 Berkeley Co., SC  
Death 1709-08-20 Berkeley Co., SC  


Father SIMONS, Benjamin
Mother DUPRE, Mary Esther
  1. SIMONS, Peter
  2. SIMONS, [Infant]
  3. SIMONS, Samuel Dupre
  4. SIMONS, Francis
  5. SIMONS, Ann
  6. SIMONS, Mary
  7. SIMONS, Elizabeth
  8. SIMONS, Martha
  9. SIMONS, Esther
  10. SIMONS, Judith
  11. SIMONS, Benjamin
  12. SIMONS, Thomas
  13. SIMONS, Catherine

Source References

  1. Early Families of the South Carolina Low County, The


  1. SIMONS, Benjamin
    1. DUPRE, Mary Esther
      1. SIMONS, Peter
      2. SIMONS, [Infant]
      3. SIMONS, Samuel Dupre
      4. SIMONS, Francis
      5. SIMONS, Ann
      6. SIMONS, Mary
      7. SIMONS, Elizabeth
      8. SIMONS, Martha
      9. SIMONS, Benjamin
      10. SIMONS, Esther
      11. SIMONS, Judith
      12. SIMONS, Benjamin
      13. SIMONS, Thomas
      14. SIMONS, Catherine
