This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of NUNN. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
[Unknown]   RYAN, Phillip
Doshia 1815 EWING, Young Epinetus , SHUMAK, [Unknown]
Elizabeth 1810 1870 NUNN, John Walker
Elizabeth about 1777 MAYNOR, Isiah , STONE, William
Elizabeth T. 1801 DILLON, William
Ingram 1794-12-17 1873-06-24 ELLISON, Lydia , SHIRLEY, Rebecca K.
Joel Pace 1798-07-12 1851-09-29 CLARK, Sally Virginia
John about 1743  
John about 1650
John 1722 1763 WHARTON, Ann
John Alexander    
John Walker 1816 1870 NUNN, Elizabeth
Joseph 1715 1778 INGRAM, Elizabeth
Joseph   STONE, Mary
Leisure 1819 WAGGONER, William Morgan
Lucinda 1811 1902 AUSBURY, Thomas , VAWTER, Early
Martha Patsy 1806 1902 STOWE, James
Mary 1766 1853 PAGE, Newsom
Mary Ann 1796 1870 HOLLINSWORTH, Thomas
Nancy Ann about 1737 1786 HURST, John Millcreek
Susan 1809 PACE, William Ingram
Theodosia about 1774 STONE, Eusebius
Thomas 1770 1835-09-09 PACE, Jean
Thomas about 1690 1750 WHARTON, Elizabeth
Thomas 1717 1749 BURTON, Elizabeth
Thomas 1740 about 1816 ALEXANDER, Betty Susan
Walter     WASH, Sarah Gatewood
William 1720 1777 QUARLES, Jane
William W.