This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of CROCKETT. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
David 1875-12-12 1892  
Eleanor 1782-11-17 1843-01-06 POTTS, William
Elizabeth Ann 1884-05-26 1959-09-23 MAYO, Mark C.
Haze 1877-07-19 1934-09-23 LAFFOON, Lizzie
James Hamilton 1820 1898 LOVE, Amanda Melvina
Levica 1786 1827-02-08 POTTS, William
Major 1873-08-17 1940-03-08 TRIBBY, W. A. Nora , BROWN, Dollie Elizabeth
Owen McLarthy 1881-08-16 1925-12-25 TRIBBY, Sarah Anna