This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of DUBOSE. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Andrew 1702 1742-06-12 SINCLAIR, Elizabeth
Anthoine 1708 1742  
Captain Daniel 1737-10-19 1799 NETTLES, Mary , VILLEPONTOUX, Frances
Daniel 1695 1755 REMBERT, Anne
David 1710   REMBERT, Jeanne
Eliabeth 1695 1736  
Isaac 1661 1718 COUILLANDEAU, Suzanne
Isaac 1693 1742 BEAN, Ester Gourdin
John 1706 1778 WHILDEN, Mary , LEMOLET, Suzannah
Louis     ?, Anne
Mary 1705 1720 CAPERS, William
Mary 1767 about 1833 MCCRAE, John , LANELY, William S.
Peter 1704 1757 REMBERT, Madelaine
Stephen 1702 1742-06-12 CARTER, Elizabeth , ?, Lydia