This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of BOVEE. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
[Living]     DULANEY, [Living]
Archibald Melrose 1838-07-25 1900-12-25 GOSSARD, Evaline
Claude Harley 1887-06-21 1971-04-12 ADAMS, Irma Bell
Ethol 1889-08-00 1930-06-00 SPOTTEN, [Living]
Gertrude about 1881 about 1883  
Jane about 1874 about 1874  
Luella about 1870 about 1904 FOWLER, [Living]
Minnie about 1864 about 1893  
Oliver about 1877 about 1879  
Opal 1890-04-06 1983-05-14 BRUNTON, [Living]
Orlie about 1879 about 1901 OBERST, [Living]
Robert about 1875 about 1936 ?, [Living]
Robert Bell 1891-03-15 1947-08-19 LEO, [Living]
Theodore about 1884 1989-08-05 DAVIS, [Living]
William Harlan 1865-10-15 1916-02-08 SPENCER, Elizabeth