This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of DAYWITT. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
[Infant] 1891-12-17 1891-12-17  
[Living]     ROSSMAN, [Living]
[Living]     RALSTON, [Living] , SWIFT, [Living]
[Living]     BOTTEMA, [Living]
Albert Newton 1859-01-02 1944-11-07 APPLEGATE, Mary Melinda
Francis Harold 1932-07-13 2000-02-15 BLUHM, Donna Mae
Ivy May 1896-01-27 1981-02-00 ROUTH, Virgie Ellis
Julia Cleora 1906-02-01 1986-02-09 WATSON, Wesley
Lawrence Alfred 1892-11-06 1961-04-15 BRADY, Helen , WALSH, Theresa
Marinda Jane 1897-08-05 1987-09-01 CARTER, Russell Andrew